Asset Reliability Practitioner® [ARP-L]: Reliability Program Leader
Success in reliability leadership comes from understanding the value of the program (and communicating that value), having a detailed strategy, and engaging with the entire organization so everyone is pulling in the same direction. Those topics are the main focus of this training course.
For the true leader of the reliability improvement initiative
FREE DEMO: See a preview of the ARP-L course. Included is segments from our instructional videos and a chapter from our comprehensive ARP-L manual. You can access the training demo with your student credentials or create a new account using this link – ARP-L Course Demonstration Link.
What a great opportunity you have. Improving reliability will make the plant safer and more competitive. Your fellow workers will have greater job security and they will enjoy a greater sense of job satisfaction.
But that’s only if you are successful with the program…
You, therefore, have a great weight on your shoulders. Not every reliability improvement initiative is successful; sadly, far from it.
We have defined this course to help you to be successful with your program. We don’t know of any other training course like it. Success in reliability leadership comes from understanding the value of the program (and communicating that value), having a detailed strategy, and engaging with the entire organization so everyone is pulling in the same direction. Those topics are the main focus of this training course.
Yes, this course will also discuss many of the essential elements that must exist to have a successful, sustained program, but for the most part, it will be your reliability engineers who must understand the details of those elements.
Leadership versus program management
It is all too common for people to view reliability improvement as a technical challenge, and therefore the role of the manager of the program simply to facilitate the technical solution.
And that is one of the major reasons why so many programs fail.
This training course is not about managing a technical program. It is about leading a successful, sustained initiative that achieves the highest levels of performance via improved reliability and reduced waste.
The leader must deliver value to the organization, and therefore they must understand what that means for their organization. The leader must change the culture and sustain the enthusiasm and engagement of all employees.
The leader must establish a strategy that steers around the quicksand and continually add value.
This course will explain how to do just that.
- How can I take this course
- Fast facts
- A basic summary of the course
- A Detailed Overview
- Course agenda
- The ARP-L Reliability Program Leader certification process
- What will I be capable of once I complete the course?
- Should the Reliability Leader be a Reliability Engineer first?
- Frequently Asked Questions