
Online, single-user course with a 4 month access license with the option to upgrade to 1-Year Continued Education.
Enhance your learning experience with our 1-Year Continued Education upgrade, extending access to course content, videos, and resources for an entire year beyond the standard 4 months. Stay current, refresh your knowledge, and maintain your edge in the industry. With the option to renew annually, you can continue to review and expand your skills, ensuring ongoing growth and expertise.The total training time is 38 hours.
This online Vibration Analysis course is intended for those who have a senior role in the condition monitoring team, but who also want to go beyond and truly reach the peak of the vibration world. The key is that with the CAT-IV course, you will transition from being a very good vibration analyst to a vibration super-hero! You will be able to understand the measurements associated with critical turbomachinery and other fluid-film bearing machines. With this video-based course, your learning occurs independently, which allows you to participate in the training at your speed and your convenience.
The total training time for part 1 is 52.5 hours / 4 CEUs.
Please Note: CAT IV is a 2 part course. Part 1 is a distance learning online course. Part 2 is a public instructor-led course. You will receive the course materials at the public instructor-led course.
Both components must be taken in order to sit for the exam. You must also have 60 months of vibration analysis experience and previous CAT III certification.