
Precision Shaft Alignment: Precision shaft alignment and soft foot elimination
Subscription duration: 3 months
Precision alignment is one of the primary tools for maximizing the reliability of rotating machinery. Just the smallest amount of angle or offset between two shafts will result in excess load on the bearings, seals, shaft, and coupling. In addition, the vibration generated can result in accelerated failure of other machine components and the supporting structure. It has also been demonstrated that misaligned machines consume more energy.
Along with shaft alignment, eliminating soft foot also has a significant influence on the reliability of rotating machinery. Bent feet, poor bases and foundations, pipe and conduit strain, poor shimming and fastening practices, and other factors can affect the performance of equipment.
The bottom line: it is essential that you precision align your rotating machinery and eliminate soft foot.
Unfortunately, many people assume that basic dial-indicator alignment is adequate. In the majority of cases, it is not. It is also easy to assume that because you own a modern laser alignment system that you are therefore achieving precision alignment. That is a dangerous assumption.
This course is highly visual and filled with animations that make everything crystal clear. Although modern laser alignment systems are also quite visual, in many cases that means that the person performing the alignment doesn’t have a complete appreciation of what is happening as they make the various adjustments. The iLearnAlignment training will ensure that precision alignment can be achieved every time regardless of the situation.
Precision Shaft Alignment provides step-by-step training, one slide at a time. The narrations add up to four hours and 39 minutes, but it will take longer to complete the training. Quizzes on each topic area are also included in the training.
The topics include:
- An overview of precision alignment
- A detailed introduction including the reliability benefits
- The basics of dial-indicator calculations
- Rim-and-face and reverse-dial dial-indicator alignment overview
- Pre-alignment checks
- Soft foot detection and correction
- The rim-and-face method in detail
- The reverse-dial method in detail
- Laser alignment methods in detail
- Moving the machine (and how to deal with the bolt bound and base bound situations)
- Dealing with dynamic and thermal growth
- Machine train alignment
While you can skip the dial indicator training, most experienced practitioners have found that understanding dial indicator alignment has helped them achieve much better results with laser alignment. They find it helps them understand exactly what the laser alignment systems are doing.
This training will prepare any vibration analyst or practitioner with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve precision alignment, which is so important to the reliability of the equipment. Reliability engineers and maintenance supervisors would also benefit from this training.