News May 9, 2013

Mobius Institute Advances its ISO 18436-2 Category IV Vibration Analysis Training to a Hybrid Format

Mobius Institute’s new innovative delivery of ISO 18436-2 Category IV Vibration Analysis training allows students to significantly save time and travel cost by delivering Part 1 of the course through web-based Distance Learning.

Mobius will begin offering its new accredited master-level vibration analysis course to students in a combination of web-based distance learning and a live classroom format. This format precludes students having to take multiple training trips to remote training locations, normally required for Category IV training and certification: saving Mobius Institute students significant travel cost and time away from their home and work. In accordance with International Organization for Standardization (, ISO 18436-2 standard, the course requires a minimum of 64 hours of training, which normally requires two or three trips to a remote classroom location. Mobius has implemented the first half (Part 1) of the CAT-IV training through its highly successful distance learning format via the Internet. In this format, Mobius expert trainers provide on-screen instruction using professional materials, 3D animations, and sophisticated software simulators to teach the lessons.

The second session (Part 2) of the training is held in the traditional live-classroom format where students learn with their peers. At the end of the week’s training, the optional Category IV examination is offered.

Mobius Institute is the industry’s only provider of professional vibration analysis training delivered by distance learning via the Internet. Mobius distance learning training utilizes a Learning Management System (LMS) that tracks the student’s progress and meets all the training requirements of ISO 18436-2 and ISO 18436-3. This is a great advantage for students of Mobius Institute.

We believe we have addressed the two biggest issues regarding Category IV training and certification: travel time and cost, and the difficulty of the subject matter,” said Jason Tranter, founder, and managing director, Mobius Institute. “Our distance learning course makes the training accessible to everyone, and our animations and simulations make the difficult topics easier to understand.

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Published Date: 5/9/2013