Corporate Reliability and Performance Improvement

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The two key ingredients to achieving the reliable plant: Education and strategy

Reliability improvement is the key to achieving your desired level of performance. Educated, motivated people, and a practical, detailed strategy are the keys to successful reliability improvement. Mobius Institute™ can provide both: world-class training and the ART® strategy.

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Educate and Motivate Your Staff

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One of the keys to success: Educated, motivated people

Success depends on people – not just the reliability specialists, everyone in management and the workforce must be trained, motivated, and all pulling in the same direction. You can either turbo-charge your program with motivated people who have the right skills, or you can struggle along making very slow progress – it is like driving with the handbrake on.

We can help in so many ways:

  • Send your team to our Asset Reliability Practitioner® (ARP) or CBM (vibration and ultrasound) training courses
  • Enable them to be recognized for their knowledge and skills with accredited training
  • Have your team trained at your site: detailed courses or “awareness” motivational courses
  • Educate everyone with the iLearnReliability™ Learning Management System

If everyone in the organization is trained the same way, to the same high standard, everyone will speak the same language, the culture will change, and they will have the skills to do the best job possible.

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ART®: The Practical and Detailed Strategy

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One of the keys to success: a practical, detailed strategy

You must have a strategy to be successful. Improving reliability and achieving target levels of performance is not easy. Many have tried and many have failed. The most common reason for failure is a lack of strategy: a plan that avoids the bear traps and keeps everyone motivated and aligned.

We have built the Asset Reliability Transformation [ART] process that will guide you, step-by-step through the initiative:

  • 10 phases, 64 steps, and 365 documented recommended practices – no stone left unturned
  • We help you ask the right questions at the right time so you make the right moves
  • VALUE, PEOPLE, and STRATEGY: Build a solid foundation
  • CONTROL: Overcome reactive maintenance
  • ACQUIRE, DISCIPLINE, CARE, ANALYTICS, EOL, and OPTIMIZE: Don’t create problems, make data-driven decisions, and continually improve

Regardless of your starting point, regardless of your industry, ART will enable you to run a successful reliability and performance improvement initiative.

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Maintenance Reliability Transformation [MRT]

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Stop the failures

Can you imagine what it would be like to suffer fewer failures? What if you came to work and the day wasn’t destroyed by equipment failures and poor performance? What if people did not have to come in during the night or the weekend to get equipment up and running again? And what if there were fewer injuries when work was rushed due to those failures?

If you have investigated “asset management” or “reliability improvement” you just may feel like the goals are a little unrealistic. It may all appear overwhelming – so much to learn, so much to do, all while you are still suffering failures.

We have built the Maintenance Reliability Transformation [MRT] process that will guide you, step-by-step through, the initiative:

How will you regain control?

Our process provides the guidance you need in all the core areas. You will:

  1. Assess your current strengths and weaknesses so you know where you stand. We’ll provide a tool to help you do that.
  2. Build relationships: Once you have a maintenance manager in place, it is essential to build a strong relationship with operations/production so everyone is on the same page pulling in the same direction. We include presentations you can use to create awareness.
  3. Establish the fundamentals: a functioning CMMS, an accurate spares and master asset list, an organized storeroom, and more.
  4. Determine how to prioritize your activities with basic “criticality analysis” and a “bad actor” list – focus your time on the 20% of assets that cause the downtime, overtime, maintenance expense, etc. We’ll provide a tool to help you do that.
  5. Review the maintenance tasks being performed: some waste your time, some harm your equipment, and some are missing – we’ll guide you through that process.
  6. Establish the fundamentals of planning and scheduling: organized and efficient – the right person doing the right job at the best time with minimal waste.
  7. Organize and improve the storeroom so parts/spares/materials are available, and they come off the shelf in “perfect” condition.
  8. Ensure the equipment is set up for success with precision alignment, fastening, and balancing, and it remains in that state with precision lubrication and cleaning.
  9. Get a view of the future with condition monitoring so the work can be planned and the root causes of failure can be identified and eliminated before they result in failure.

Yes, there are a few things to do, but we have broken it up into 78 smaller steps, all described in detail, so you can pick them off one by one.

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